Digital Public Relations Agency
Digital Public Relations Agency Indonesia
Digital public relations agency is the phrase designated for companies or organizations whose public relations services cover the digital frontline. A piece of public relations history in Wikipedia divulges that new internet technology and social media websites effected Public Relations strategies and tactics. The empirical discourse set ablaze the debate between the proponents to “The Cluetrain Manifesto” and Seth Godin with his book “Permission Marketing” and the opponents in early 2000s. The controversy apparently didn’t last long, it continues that as 2006, it was generally accepted that social media had an important role in public relations. The traction of the new technology has caused faster social impact and change where it didn’t take much time for the public relations professionals to react and experiment with this rich content or multi media press release (audio, images and videos). There were some global events like oil spills and gas explosions, industrial disasters, wars that revealed how much communication crisis emerged when corporate or organizational communication conveyed deflective message while at the same time, stories touching humanity exposed the undesirable consequences took its tool on common people and their living space. The role of public relations is much closer in affinity than before with the same online features everybody can utilize. Public relations services need to be faster and smarter than the public by serving press releases at the right audience and market segment by digital means including about anti bullying campaign.
Digital public relations agency in Jakarta, Indonesia is definitely the destination to engage public relations services. Even the largest PR firm in the world, Edelmen, has set it foothold in the largest archipelago country, doing business along side with Indonesian national public relations firm like Fortune PR. Many PR agencies have integrated communication campaign like conventional PR and media relations services with digital marketing works or practices and advertising. There is no doubt that any big PR firm would claim they are fully integrated public relations agency. However how well each of this digital public relations firm or company fare in the world of internet or digital marketing?
Big agencies in public relations services also need to understand and take serious considerations to assess the domination in search marketing. This refers to how potential online visitors particularly the CEOs, corporate executives, public figures, business owners and PR peers can search for one of the many services available and your brandname PR services appear at top of searches whether it is Google, Yahoo, Bing or other similar search engines and online directories. The easiest practice to gauge your dominance in each of the services you provide such as in our case “jasa pr Indonesia”, “cyber public relation Indonesia”, “online pr services jakarta”, is to use those phrases to find out your positions in the ranking of the search engine result pages. The relevant information is displayed in accordance to search engine’s algorithm process and expert editors based on quality and relevancy. Over the time, the ranking is dynamic when existing information is updated, new ones are uploaded, or when bad quality and relevancy information is removed from the search results, such as the information is only bait for search engine to index the web page(s) and it doesn’t apply good language structure.
In digital era, there is need to pay attention to “change or die” attitude. Without applying proper digital optimization strategies, your online presence, dominance, competence and inheritance will be virtually unknown in such good standing. It means digital implementation are imminent in today’s information competitive edge, provided that your niche competence competes with whole lot of branded names.
Digital optimization strategies comprises of some tactics applied selectively based on the digital platform available. Search engine optimization (SEO) is applicable to search sites based on keywords and semantic, it comprises of many factors that support a website or webpage show up higher on search results. Social media optimization (SMO) is applicable to social media sites, mostly Facebook, based on users’ interests and interactions with algorithm that will aggregate the data over the time. Digital PR campaign will involve those two skills into integrated solutions to get maximum impact back to back. Your PR content will not only more searchable and visible, it will also need to be more likeable, shareable, endorsable, tweet-able, pin-able and so on. These social signals will be vote count as much as authority linking to your search ranking.
There has been unfamiliar element before this digital evolution, i.e. the emerging role of influences, taking the definition of word of mouth marketing further with online platforms.. It places the focus on certain or key individuals as in-between target to reach exposure or awareness to their audiences. So if you are digital PR agency or firm, you would need to research which topic, blogs or forum which the influencers are PR professionals or content marketers who like to keep up with certain brands such as consumer gadgets or consumables. The audiences tend to follow the recommendations from peers they know or are well-informed about to make the choice of the preferable service or product when they need one. This is effective to eliminate almost identical information overflow and localization of the knowledge by someone sharing the same ground. Kissmetrics blog article entitled “Definitive Guide to Influencer Marketing” on influencer targeting will give you the steps to follow. This is where the influence marketing will play the role during good and bad economic times.
What about digital public relations during the crisis communication time? The online world out there must be full of topics people are trying to debate and discuss about the crisis. Managing PR communication during crisis will require tool that could help with listening to what the concerns are surrounding the topic. Public online portals are abundant and social media is so diversified. Media monitoring tool is the software to automate the process to filter out the contents. The tool provided will process based on certain parameters set by a PR consultant or expert (Cyber PR Services), such as category, keyword, portal in real-time. By deploying this monitoring tool, you will understand the tone of the reaction of the media and the public around you. You will know the extent of the media coverage and who have been aware of the crisis and the insight whether they are favorable to you or against you.
From PR perspective, there are chronological steps to take prior to issuing your PR content. In summary, they include internal briefing to all the people and departments facing the customers and public alike, deep understanding of what really happened, what the impact is internally and externally and what position to take and what the outgoing message. Then from digital media perspective, what kind of channel of distribution that is best to deliver the message to the audience. This will depend on which digital channel you have. Mostly it will lead you to corporate web blog, social media, online news media.
Digital public relations agency by GALASEO, based in Jakarta, Indonesia. The services for public relations will provide the solutions to achieve your online objectives with our expertise in the areas of SEO, SMO, Online Reputation Management (ORM), Online Profile Management (OPM), Media Monitoring (MM). With the exception of SMO, other three services are preceded by keyword and semantic research, which is part of our expertise.

Current internet users penetration is 150 million people, which speak Bahasa as lingua franca across the archipelago is a major challenge needed to navigate well with the right local partner. Therefore, localization of content marketing service is essential to resonate with local behaviors and diverse customs and traditions. The engagement will require understanding of local social issues, lifestyle and daily online habits. Indonesia young and growing social media users are spurring digital population. This is the era to take your PR programs to the next level.
With online experience of seven years and plus, GALASEO is equipped to launch your PR campaign with divergent of online publicity network. The distribution and set-up of press release on Indonesian national new sites, websites, blogs and other equitable channels. On social media front, work on increasing engagements, likes, and follows effectively.
Cyber public relation or e-PR, now so-called PR 2.0 is the right channel to reach out directly and massively to the audience. It is vital to protect and maintain a brand’s existence, manage and protect good reputation. The approach will include pushing down negative or black campaign done by third party and to strengthen and rebuild the positive online image. Identify the hooligan and apply the right tactic is our best knowledge, supported by candid copywriters and creative media crew.
Building human relationship is always the purpose of public relations. It is transiting from monologue to dialogue, pitching to participating, selling story to telling story, and so on. Generating the interactivity with the audience will create positive environment when there is mutual understanding. Digital marketing expertise will supplement through online mechanisms by optimizing the contents, image, video and other digital assets you may have properly. GALASEO understands webmaster guidelines and search engine algorithms to safely serve on online platform. Consult or partner with us NOW!
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